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* Silkworm Eggs
* Microworms

Live Food for Fish Fry:

* Microworms

Live Food for Small & Medium Fish:

* Extra Sml Silkworms
* Small Silkworms
* Silkworm Eggs
* D. Melanogaster: Wingless Fruitflies
* D. Hydei: Flightless Fruitflies
* Rice Flour Beetle Larvae

Live Food for Large Fish:

* Medium Silkworms

Non-Living Supplies:

* Fly Culturing Supplies
* Fruit Fly Culturing Kits
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The Live Aquarium Fish Food Shop

Brine Shrimp Eggs
  Raise Brine Shrimp by the Tons!
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Ocean Star International Brine Shrimp Eggs
6 Gram Vial - $7.50

One gram of brine shrimp eggs contains about 300,000 cysts (eggs).
Newly hatched nauplii from these eggs provide one of nature's finest, most nutritious foods for many fishes and invertebrates. Ocean Star provides the highest quality brine shrimp eggs to the aquaculture and aquarium
industries worldwide.
Complete Instructions Included

brine shrimp eggs

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Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs
1.5 ounces (42.5 grams) - $6.50

These eggs WILL NOT HATCH.
They are for feeding directly to fish.

One gram of brine shrimp eggs contains about 300,000 cysts or eggs.
Also known as "topless" or shell-free, Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs are fed directly to a wide variety of tropical fish - providing excellent nutritional value without the necessity and down-time of hatching. The outer shell of the egg is removed, making the egg un-hatchable yet higher in energy value than live brine shrimp since the energy required for hatching and initial life is conserved and lipids and amino acids are left intact.

To feed juvenile fish or fry, rehydrate the decapsulated brine shrimp eggs for a few minutes before serving. This step is not necessary for adult fish. An excellent feeder for fishes of all types, including tetras, barbs, angelfish, goldfish, guppies, coryadora and plecostami.

decapsulated brine shrimp eggs

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Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs
3 ounces (85 grams) - $10.50

These eggs WILL NOT HATCH.
They are for feeding directly to fish.

Please see description above.

decapsulated brine shrimp eggs

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About Brine Shrimp:

Brine shrimp (Artemia salina), also called fairy shrimp and sea monkeys, are tiny (about 1cm or 1/4'' - 1/2'') organisms found in salt ponds and saline lakes. Brine shrimp are aquatic crustaceans that are distant relatives of crab and lobster. In nature, they live only in isolated bodies of salt water such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah and Mono Lake in California, and in temporary salt ponds created by a torrential rain in the desert. Brine Shrimp swim through the water by flapping 11 pairs of undulating feather-type appendages.
Living Brine Shrimp
Adult Brine Shrimp

Brine Shrimp eggs can completely dry out and maintain their viability. Incredibly, brine shrimp eggs can lie in the desert for more than 10 years, just waiting to hatch under the right conditions. Brine shrimp are one of the most salt viable animals. Their optimum salt environment is about 80 parts per 1000, which is more than twice the saltiness of the ocean.

When the brine shrimp eggs hatch, the newborns, called nauplius, are about the size of a pin end, making them excellent for those juvenile fish that are ready to move on from microworms to larger food. It takes 3 to 6 weeks for the shrimp to reach full maturity.

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