Related Items:
Live Food for Fish Fry:
* Brine Shrimp Eggs

Live Food for Small & Medium Fish:
* Extra Sml Silkworms
* Small Silkworms
* Silkworm Eggs
* D. Melanogaster: Wingless Fruitflies
* D. Hydei: Flightless Fruitflies
* Rice Flour Beetle Larvae

Live Food for Large Fish:
* Medium Silkworms

Non-Living Supplies:
* Fly Culturing Supplies
* Fruit Fly Culturing Kits
* No Bugs Insecticidal Shelf & Drawer Paper

Tiny Nematodes for Newborn Fish (Fish Fry).
Microworm "STARTER" + "MEGA" Culture
Product Description:
*STARTER CULTURE: 1.5 ounces of Microworm Media Swarming with 1000's of Microworms Ready To Serve.
*MEGA + STARTER CULTURE: One "Starter Culture" AND One 16 ounce "Mega Culture" Ready to Mix & Use.
Add water and a teaspoon of starter culture to the mega culture and you'll have a swarming colony within a week.
Full Instructions Included.
Microworm "STARTER" Culture Contains 1000's of Live Nematodes
Use Microworms For:
- Betta fry - 3 days to 1/4" +
Gourami fry to 1/4"
- Corydoras fry/Sub-Adults to 3/4"
- Larval Newts/Sallies
- Frog Tadpoles
Apistogramma fry to 1/4"
- Killifish fry to 1/2"
- Cory's, Catfish & other bottom feeders
- Most Fry & Newborn Aquarium Fish
- Most Small & Medium Aquarium Fish
Close-Up of Microworm Culture
Microworms are not actually WORMS, but are NEMATODES, species Panagrellus Redivivus.
The lifespan of the Microworms are 20-30 days and the Nematodes start to reproduce at three days old and
bear 40 young every 1-2 days.
You can see what a Prolific Live Feeder the Microworms are.
Adult Fish and Aquarium Bottom Feeders Love both types of Microworms. The Microworms are also used
as a supplement & treat for larval newts/sallies, frog tadpoles, tropical fish and bottom feeding
aquarium fish of all types. Fish LOVE Microworms!

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